About mydevpath

A simple guy, working hard to survive in this world!

My readings in 2016 week 44

  1. Does your system need to support different cultures and languages? if so, you should read this post “The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)“, even it is a bit old.
  2. Volatile? what is this? when we should use it? Find more details from this post, Managing Volalite.
  3. .Net Framework: hidden disposable. read it to learn an extension method to help disposing.
  4. Solving Sudoku Using Combinatorial Evolution; this is a very interesting post to learn this new technique “Combinatorial Evolution” to solve complicated problem.

My readings in 2016 week 40-41

  1. Multithreading in C# .Net 4.5 Part 1 and Part 2.  In part 2, it mentioned a list of concurrent collection types, which are optimized for producer-consumer pattern.
  2. It is a good post talking about female software engineers.  I truly believe that there are male engineers/program managers thinking female engineers are not as good as male engineers.  We should always be respect to everyone, no matter what gender they are.
  3. C# expression tree videos on YouTube.  Also this post provides the simple example to understand what expression tree is and its syntax.
  4. Very impressive demo about VR by Mark Zuckerberg.
  5. New features of C# 7.0; I like most of them except “throw exception from expression”, which make it difficult to read.
  6. Very interesting post about JavaScript with only six characters.  It is good to learn how JavaScript behaves and tricks.
  7. Design Patterns and Refactoring; this site lists out many design patterns with clear explanations, plus refactoring approaches and techniques.

My readings in 2016 week 39

  1. CSP Evaluator and CSP Mitigator by Google; CSP is to help protecting your website from XSS attack; and Google said that ~95% of website with CSP is not correctly used.
  2. osquery by Facebook, to help analyse network traffic going in and out from your computer.
  3. Good example for RxJS showcase, https://auth0.com/blog/understanding-reactive-programming-and-rxjs/.
  4. Linqpad Util methods; read this post from Stack Overflow to know what util methods provided by Linqpad and how to use them.

My readings in 2016 week 32

  1. CSS Pro Tips: just to share!!
  2. C# – The C# Memory Model in Theory and Practice, Part 2; it is a dive-deep post for C# memory model and what you should pay attention to when implementing multi-threading solution.
  3. Top 5 .NET memory management fundamentals; very short post with summarized key points for .Net memory management.
  4. Scott Henselman has a old post talked about “What great .Net developers ought to know” and here are the answers I found from a CodeProject post.
  5. ASP.Net performance improvement and VS2015 Profiler; it mentions about intelliTrace standalone collector; this is really helpful when troubleshooting production issues.
  6. A Comprehensive Look at jQuery Selectors; jQuery you use everyday, right? do you know how to use these selectors, :header, :target, :animated?  these are new to me as well.

My readings in 2016 week 29-30

  1. JavaScript Service Worker; I read this post The Service Worker Lifecycle to understand its lifecycle; then I read another post from GitHub to understand why we need it.
  2. ES6 default parameter and shorthand with examples.
  3. HackerSpray – Block Brute force and DOS attacks; this library is built by .net and Redis; which I really want to learn it. I will get their source from GitHub to learn Redis.
  4. Securing ASP.NET Web API; A nice post to explain how to secure your .Net Web API with implementation details.
  5. Useful Tools for .NET Developers; I used most of them before except CodeRush. Will definitely give a try.
  6. What’s new in SQL Server 2016.  Temporal Table is a new feature providing table history; it sounds like CDC.
  7. Tips to improve asp.net web application; some tips generally applies to any web site/application.  It is a good post for revision.
  8. Response Caching and In Memory Caching in ASP.NET Core 1.0;  learn more about caching, it will be useful when website get popular.
  9. Microsoft Restful API guide; nowadays web API is everywhere, it is good for developers to learn the industry standard from this guide.
  10. 14 Tools for Microsoft Azure development.
  11. A good security checklist for develoeprs for free.
  12. A great post for me: I am new to Nginx and even Kestrel.  I can learn more about setup Nginx and how to use it.
  13. JavaScript Design Patterns: The Singleton; a new way to implement singleton in ES6.
  14. jQuery’s JSONP Explained with Examples; it states clearly what problem is and provide few different approach to resolve it.
  15. Handling NULL in TSQL; haven’t thought of those use cases.  Some interesting behaviors are NULL in BETWEEN and IN commands.

My readings in 2016 week 27

  1. A small tips to save a trip to delete a record using entity framework.
  2. Content jumping – very common problem in website; this post tells you some approaches to solve it.
  3. 10 ways to Bind Multiple Models on a View in MVC.
  4. If you like reading, here is a suggested list of JavaScript books for you – 12 Books Every JavaScript Developer Should Read.
  5. An old post talks about how to detect clock tampering for a license check.
  6. A good post to remind developers what you should do when works with CSS.

My readings in 2016 week 25

  1. I Was Wrong About TypeScript, Here is Why; every language has its only problem to solve; it depends if it fits to your usage cases.  I play around with TypeScript before (not deep), and haven’t use it in real-live project.  I definitely want to try it out.
  2. You are C# developer and new to R; and want to learn more about it.  R recently support OO in R6 package, read this post to get more details.
  3. Explain JavaScript hoisting; this is the best post I read for JavaScript hoisting and covers for var, let, const, function and class.
  4. Four C# Code Analyzers That Are Worth Your Time; code analyzers help your team to not only find potential problem, but also standardize the code.
  5. What’s new in Bootstrap 4. Read this post for details.
  6. We use tools to improve our life and make it more effective; Check out these 7 collaboration tools, see if it helps your team.

My readings in 2016 week 24

  1. The basics of web application security from MartinFowler.com.
  2. 9 Tips for Writing Secure Applications in ASP.NET.  I know most of them except view state encyrption and remove sensitive information from response headers.
  3. How to transform different config file without any third party extension.  This can be applied to different project types, e.g. Console application.
  4. Uses google test site to test how mobile friendly your site is; and this is a related post.
  5. Very nice post to explain problems using BEM and share tips.
  6. Save a Trip to the Database with Deletes in Entity Framework; if you use Entity Framework, you should know this technique.
  7. Five Ways to Hide Elements in CSS; do you know what five ways they are? and can you think of another way.  How about set to width and height to 0!

My readings in 2016 week 22

  1. When do we need to use CSS object-fit and object-position?
  2. Asynchronous Programming. Getting to grips with Async and Await.  I did more async work in C# this year and I know most of them; but it is a good post to list key information you needed to know for Async programming in .Net.
  3. Autocomplete is not something new; but you may forget to use it on your web page to increase usability, read this post to get more details.

Busy week again!